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international handstand day

When I was 3 years old, in the “den" of my home in NJ, I am told I watched Sesame Street and The Magic Garden in a headstand.

I don’t...

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do you do this 300 times a day?

Did you know that the average 4-year-old laughs 300 times a day, and that the average 40-year-old laughs that same amount in 2.5 MONTHS??



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my favorite parenting tip

Sixteen years and 6 days ago, I hobbled in pain down the 7th floor hallway at Cornell Presbyterian Hospital in NYC and read a sign that said,...

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have you stopped playing?

I just got off a call with 20 women from all over the country and 5 of them ended up in tears.

What was the trigger?


How could the concept of...

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my bucket list

“It’s like I’m spinning.”

This is what I heard from two women in my workshop Monday, and it struck me… that was once...

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