where are your feet?

Whenever I set my alarm at the ungodly hour of 5am, my first thought is: Holy crap, I’m so tired, I can’t move.
My next thought is: Come on! Why can’t you get up and be that person who is finished with everything by noon!
Then, as I stumble out of bed, all I actually think about is how quickly I can get coffee into my system.
On this particular morning a few weeks ago, I was in the Bahamas for Parents Weekend at the Island School.
There was no coffee to be found (yikes) but I popped out of bed anyway since I was supposed to meet the other parents, and I didn’t want to be the last to show up (as usual).
We were gathering on the beach to cheer for our kids as they did their “Monster Run-Swim” race.
It’s essentially a Navy Seal type of experience: you run, then swim across the a giant patch of water in the way, then get out wet and run some more, then jump into the sea and swim, then run, and so on, for miles, until you get back to the flagpole at school, see your friends, and marvel at the accomplishment of doing something you never thought you could do.
When I arrived at the beach, coffee-less but with at least one of my eyes open, I noticed a pile of signs that the Island School had made for parents to hold while cheering.
I grabbed the one that read: BE WHERE YOUR FEET ARE.
Because this motto is essentially what I mean when I try to help my clients embrace play (do more of what you love) and pause (get clear on what you really need).
Playing and pausing both require you to be where your feet are, i.e. in the present moment.
And it ain’t always easy.
Like right now.
I swear I see my feet right there below my knees. But my head is somewhere else, worrying about September.
When my head and my feet are in different places, I’m usually either hammering myself about how much is still unchecked on my to-do list, spinning in confusion at my kids’ schedules, or complaining about having to make dinner. Again.
Clearly, cooking is not my play language.
Yes, I see my feet right there below me (holy cow I need a pedicure).
So I just used those five words to pull myself into the right now...and it worked.
Here I am again, telling you about that Island School race.
I held my sign high on that early morning, as the kids ran past me before diving back into the sea.
I jumped and cheered and beamed with pride when I saw my Maddie.
I took this photo to share it with you, hoping it can also be a reminder - even just as you read this sentence - to BE WHERE YOUR FEET ARE.
If that phrase can snap you into the present moment, even for a few seconds, appreciation usually follows.
Or maybe it can help you focus on what it is you need to get done today, without worrying about tomorrow.
Whatever those five words mean to you, I hope they bring your feet and your head (and your heart) together.
With fierce love,
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