kenya education fund

I was trying not to curse at the M23 bus driver as he cut me off on my drive across 23rd street the other morning, my three kids in tow, late (again) for school.
I had to let them off mid-block to walk, since I noticed kindergarteners on the sidewalk walking faster than my car was moving.
Ah, New York.
I was late for my friend (and former business partner) Allison's virtual tour of the Kenya Education Fund. KEF is her passion organization where she essentially encourages people here to change children’s lives there.
I arrived to the event slightly late, fairly sweaty, and still annoyed at why it’s so complicated to get my kids across town and on time for school.
But then I heard Simon, standing in front of his mother’s home in Kenya’s rural south talking about how difficult it was for him to go to school until KEF supported him.
And then Esther, a KEF graduate who joined from Nairobi and explained how investing in her education allowed her not only to become a nurse, but also enabled her support her family and entire community in the rural north.
I was humbled.
I remember my favorite saying when I used to work at UNICEF: an educated child is an educated parent is an educated community is an educated nation.
I also thought back to just last month, when I was in Honduras with my beloved School the World, and saw first hand just how many children live too far away from school to ensure an education.
Why am I sharing this at the end of a busy back-to-school week?
Because I hope that you’ll do what I do when you are also swimming in a sea of worry or stress.
Take comfort in all that you have and all that you are and appreciate.
And then maybe, if there’s energy left over, check out the work of these organizations that do so much for kids who need so much.
In the meantime, I publicly vow not to curse a NYC bus driver again.
At least not until next week. ;)
With fierce love,
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