deep thoughts from my homeland

I’m writing from my homeland.
Sardinia, Italy.
Well, my family is from Sicily but I’m on the island right next door, so I think it counts.
At least it feels like home.
I am rested and happy here, but I miss my kids so much that if I think about it too much, it hurts!!
I had a free plane ticket, an invitation to stay with friends in nearby Corsica, and a kid-free week. How could I not take advantage and explore?
“Explorer” is my main play language after all…
Traveling is how I like to play, it's really when I feel the most free, and my best self.
How about you? Are you an explorer too? Do you remember your play language?
Last weekend I arrived in Corsica before crossing the 6 miles to the homeland, and I’ve been soaking up all of it.
Especially the French and Italian cheeses (and wines).
But I have to admit that despite how fulfilled I feel, my mind is often wandering...
For example, I’ll be snorkeling while thinking about my kids - What could Jack be doing right now? Is Maddie happy at the Island School? I wonder what Sydney is up to at this very moment?
Have you ever felt like that? Only half somewhere because you wanted to share the moment with someone you love - your child, a partner, or a friend you haven’t seen in a while.
For me, it’s usually wanting to share my adventures with my kids.
How did they grow up so quickly that their summer programs are on opposite ends of the earth, and I’m not with them?
All of this to say that if your kids are still young, remember to soak it up.
Even the annoying sunscreen lathering and reapplying.
Or constantly replenishing snacks in the beach bag.
Or the lack of routine summer brings.
Remember that one day those babes will fly out of your nest.
And as an “explorer,” I still encourage you and your kids to live with adventure, of course…together and separate.Just remember to cherish your time together.
With fierce love,
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